Newspaper Boy
Strange kind of Toy
He´s reading Tabloid
On my Android
Newspaper Boy
He finds his Joy
In Newspapers
Shark attacks 13-year-old Girl
NASA designs apelike Robot for Disasters
‚Brace yourselves for another financial Crash‘
The most hated Woman on the Web
Facebook makes it easier to ignore your Friends
Where the Rich go on Holiday
Print your own Pizza to go
How Elephants create the Rain
Shark – NASA – Facebook – Elephants
What if he asks me some-
thing about what he´s read
Something that’s in his Head?
What if
What if I have to find
Answers on every kind
of Trouble in his Mind?
What if
He s taking Dad´s Tablet
running off to Toilet
where he consumes the Shit
o Shit
What if I in Response
To his inquiring Glance
Have to take up a Stance?
Newspaper Boy
Risky Employ
Newspaper Boy
Curious Spy
Newspaper Boy
Can´t you avoid
These Journals
Hammerhead Shark Mystery solved
What if Humans became extinct
‚Rock Star‘ Pope shakes up Vatican
Eight ugly Animals we should save
Another North Korean Engima
Mega-rich Arabs show off crazy Supercars
Dog eats Wedding Rings
Why we fart more on Planes
Hammerhead – Rock Star Pope – Wedding Rings – Supercars
What if he asks me some-
thing about what he´s read
Something that’s in his Head?
What if
What if I have to find
Answers on every kind
of Trouble in his Mind?
What if
He s taking Dad´s Tablet
running off to Toilet
where he consumes the Shit
o Shit
What if I in Response
To his inquiring Glance
Have to take up a Stance?
Der Song auf dem Studio Album:
Aus dem Album „Flying Panties“