Storming from the Northern Sheep Hills
From the Uterus of People
Shattering the Pales of Limes
And the greatest Empire of all Times
Splendid Role Models of Chivalry
Putting their intense Clan Rivalry
On the Romans Civilization
Little Chieftains of barbaric Nations
Ius Primae Noctis – plenty of Progeny
Holding Europe for many Centuries
Merciless Spreading the Faith of Mercy
Better themselves by Marriage Policy
Von Bismarck, von und zu Guttenberg
Fürst Buquoy, Graf Stauffenberg
Von der Leyen, von der Heyde
Walter von der Vogelweide
Losing their Titles in the Twentieth Century
Trying to cure their crippled Identity
Hunting the Game, slurping the Five o’clock Tea
Using fancy Nicknames like Hubsi and Trixi
Organizing opulent Charities
Asserting “Noblesse oblige” there chattily
The Soiree dances, while the Candlestick’s Lights
Emblaze the Castles of incestuous Robber-Knights
O Thou European Nobility
Fastest growing Minority
In the parallel Society:
Fever Dreams of a New Aristocracy
Von Bismarck…
Hohe Herrn von Hohenstaufen
Gräfin Cosel, Graf von Lauffen
Freiherr Götz von Berlichingen
Borgia, de Gaulle, de’ Medici
Ou! Le Compte de Montgommery
In the Gotha: kith and kin
Leavings from the gruesome Guillotine
O Thou European Nobility
Fastest growing Minority
In the parallel Society:
Fever Dreams of a New Aristocracy
Von Bismarck…