Face the Truth, my Dear
Kant is making clear
Everything we know
Is just an Apperception Show
And what we do and are
Should meet a universal Law
And the only open Way
Is the critical one, hey!
His heavy Brain shines bright
They all call him “the Great”
His pure Reason’s Critique
Is said to be a Cerebrations Peak
His Claim is categorical
His Dodge is fully logical
The Thing itself we cannot find
Any Attempt will leave us blind
Hegel, Nietzsche, Marx
They strolled in his Parks
They darkened his Sparks
They all are just Remarks
But Kant’s not meeting my Desire
He’s just becoming dry and drier
I cannot say he is a Liar
But I can say he is no Satisfier
He felt the holy Fist
He went on the Proscription List
They said: Immanuel
Your Work is set to fail
You have too little to give
Just Boredom and Imperative
There is no Solace in your Philosophy
We need a stronger Remedy